A message about COVID-19

Dear Patient,

As your dental health professionals, your well-being is important to us. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), statewide leaders and local and state health officials continue to monitor the impact of the new Corona virus (COVID-19), we want to assure you of the precautions we take every day to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and that we are staying up-to-date on information and protocols surrounding COVID-19.

First and foremost, the health and safety of our patients is our main priority. At all times, we adhere to the highest level of precautions and protocols in our practice to prevent the spread of infection, including COVID-19. For more information about these infection control procedures, please visit the American Dental Association or CDC websites. Regarding COVID-19, we are closely following communications from the CDC, the American Dental Association and the Florida Dental Association, and we offer the following current guidelines for our patients.

  • If you are healthy, there is no need to cancel your regularly scheduled dental appointment. We do ask you to arrive on time, rather than early, for your appointments to minimize the amount of time patients spend in the waiting area.
  • If you are ill with flu-like symptoms, please stay at home and contact us to reschedule your appointment. There will be no cancellation or rescheduling fees during this time.
  • If you or someone you are in close contact with have recently traveled to a country with outbreaks of COVID-19 or if you have been exposed to someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19 or quarantined as a precaution, wait 14 days before making an appointment to make sure you are free of COVID-19 symptoms. Contact our office and we will reschedule your appointment.


We are currently postponing routine periodontal recalls and cleanings. We ask you to use your best judgment and caution surrounding upcoming appointments and to call us if you have any questions about your appointment or our practice protocols. We also encourage you to follow prevention and safety guidelines established by the CDC.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your upcoming appointment or oral health needs.

Edy A Guerra DDS