At the office of Dr. Edy A. Guerra, we are dedicated to helping those patients in need of root canal therapy.

When infection damages the pulp of the tooth your dentist or an endodontist may have to perform root canal therapy to save your tooth.

This treatment involves opening the tooth; removing the damaged pulp from the inside; and then disinfecting, shaping, filling and sealing the tooth. Depending on how much infection is present, you may be put on a medicine regimen prior to the procedure.

After root canal therapy, the tooth may need to be restored with a crown for protection. After that, the tooth will continue to function like your other natural teeth.

Endodontists are experienced in emergency pain control, and the root canal procedure itself is usually painless.

Our staff is specially trained to work with patients to manage pain, anxiety, and fear, and understand that doing so is an important part of the root canal therapy process. We want our patients to get back to being pain free and healthy as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions about root canal therapy, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (305) 643-1444 (Miami) or (305) 866-2626 (Surfside).